This week has really been a busy one and it is'nt over yet. I was a 3rd grade substitute teacher for several days.

I worked at a small general store...this is a very old store not sure how long it has been around at least 100yrs.

Lunch time can be very...very...hectic. Only one person runs the store and therefore runs cash register, flips burgers, and makes deli sandwiches. Thank goodness there are still patient people in this world. Yesterday at lunch time I was probably waiting on at least 15 people at once (all wanting their on special orders).
After tending to the store all day and making another emergency trip to the Urgent Care Center (which I will explain later). I visited my brand new....................great niece.

This is what happened Wednesday...I became a great aunt. This is my nephew Charles and his lovely wife Emily and their adorable daughter Austyn Elaine

My Mom and her very first great grandchild...can you believe my mom is in her mid seventies.
While all this was happening this week I have suffered from a allergic reaction to an antibiotic that contains sulfate...therefore I have made two trips to the urgent care center suffering from itchy itchy inflamed spots all over my body. Thank goodness for long sleeve shirts and high neck blouses. Oh well I suppose life goes own and it doesn't matter how uncomfortable our bodies can be.
This weekend should be a lot of fun...tonight is Tiff's (Twigs) PJ party at the store.
Saturday and Sunday is the official open house.
Now I must get this busy day started...I need to make a cheeseball for this evening.
Have a great weekend everyone.