Here is a pic of our two girls Sloan (with the face only a mother could love) and Jessica. It seems like just yesterday that Christmas break began and now Jessica has already been back to school for a week (J term) Spring classes do not start til Jan. 28th. Just thought I would share some of the pictures I took of Jessica and her friends while she was in. (don't tell her I posted all of these pics)
It was so good to hear the sound of girl's how I've missed that.

Jessica and her friends Hannah and Rachel had a movie and pizza was sooo good having them over. All three attend different universities and are unable to get together very often.
Jessica holding our newest addition to the family Austyn (my sister's first grandchild)
Jessica and my nephew Sam...(at my mom's on Christmas Eve)I do believe if we had been blessed with a son he would have look like Sam. Don't you think they look a lot alike?
This is Jessica and Pops (my friend Janie's father) he has always called Jessica his little girlfriend and Janie told my husband that as they were traveling over to our house for Christmas he told them he thought as much of Jessica as he did his very own grandchildren. (this made Jessica feel so good)

Now you may be wondering who this gentleman is....I tried to get her to give him a little kiss but she was afraid I would post it on facebook. Actually Jessica's grandfather bought this "dummy" I really don't know why...I guess "just because".
We will miss her not being home....although we do talk several times a day and have Skype so we get to see her almost everyday:)
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
Kathy, Thanks for stopping by my blog!! I enjoyed reading yours. Your daughter is gorgeous! I remember those days of girlfriends over giggling all night. Those were the days. My 2 girls are all grown up now.
What a beautiful daughter you have!
I can tell you miss her like crazy! It is hard for them to go just isn't the same without them...I know!
Oh Kathy, she is so cute!
The house always seems so empty when the kids leave to go back home. Ours are scattered about all over Ohio, and NY.
Glad you had a nice holiday.
That must be hard when you kids go off...I have a hard time adjusting when my kids go back to school and they still live at home!! lol Have a great weekend!
Love all the pics. Jess is a beautiful girl. Enjoy your time with her. It all goes to fast!
Have a great week!
She is just lovely. How nice to have a house full of giggling girls!
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