I just wanted to wish everyone a very Happy Valentines Day my DH surprised me this morning with these lovely flowers and an "I Owe You" to a dinner and movie of my choice once I'm back on my feet. (plus candy)
I know many of you wonder if am ever going to start posting like I use to and I will. I have shared with some of you gals that a year and half ago I went through Thyroid Cancer so I'm in the midst of a followup treatment.
I've kept up with my Take It Off Tuesday with Janene yet I realize I've been gaining every week but once my metabolism is back up to power it will come off.
By bloodwork Friday shows it's a go for the Radio Active Iodine Treatment Monday and Wednesday will be the Whole Body Scan if all is clear (which I feel it will be) I will be able to go back on med. and regain my strength.
Although I do feel my scan will be clear ....I continue to pray for I know God is my Great Physician.
My spirits are up and I look forward to this hurdle being behind me.
As always love hearing from you.
Happy Valentines Everyone!
I'll be thinking and praying for you!
Those roses are so pretty don't you just love the smell?
You definitely deserve Roses, a dinner AND candy my dear. God works wonders and I'm sure you are on the mend. Bless your heart. I wondered where you'd been. Take care and Happy Valentines Day!! Big Hug, Lisa
Happy Valentines Day to you too! I will say a prayer for you....I didn't know about the thyroid cancer. Take care....
I didn't know about the cancer but I sure believe in the healing power of God. My prayers are with you, my friend. What a sweet hubby you have. Enjoy yourself when you have that special date night. I take thyroid medicine, started about 1 1/2 years ago. I had no energy, etc., etc. I know what you mean about the metabolism. Take care, sweetie.
Hi Kathy! I'm so glad for your post today! I will pray that God continues to strengthen and comfort you! Love those roses, wow! I'm looking forward to 'after Valentine's day' candy sales. Woohoo! My favorite is to eat a piece of candy with a great cup of coffee! Yummy!
Have a blessed day my dear!
I found your blog through Debbie's~may God bless you and give you his perfect peace, joy and wisdom while you are going through this time. The roses are beautiful~what a sweet hubby!
PS-I though it was cute that we both have "Sweet Home" blogs!
I'll pray for you too! I didn't have thyroid cancer but did have a thyroid cyst. I had it removed as well as my right thyroid. I know some of the procedures you are going through! Hang in there!
Good luck on the weight loss too!
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and for the nice comment! I'm saving you to my blogroll too..hope you don't mind!
Thank you for visiting my blog and the nice comments. Wish you could come visit the shop! I had the radioactive treatment for my thyroid several years ago and what a difference it made! Good luck, Dawn
You'll be in my thoughts and prayers, Kathy!
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