Monday, December 29

Time has just flown by!

I hope all my blogging friends have not forgotten me...we have sooo much catching up to do. (there was a pj party, low dutch meeting house Thanksgiving, orders to be completed, a lot of Christmas shopping, substitute teaching, working at the store, and having our dd home for Thanksgiving break and back again for Christmas)It is so hard to believe over a month has past since my last post. I'm sure everyone has been really busy. This holiday season has absolutely flown by it seems as though Thanksgiving was just here.

I'm hoping to catch you up on what has been happening in my neck of the woods. My dh, dd, and I stayed home Christmas day and the day after just relaxing and enjoying each others company. We watched movies and played games. This was the first Christmas in years that we have not rushed around on Christmas Day traveling to this place and that and we sooo enjoyed it. There are many pictures to share so over the next week I will be doing that. Today I'm working at the little general store I've share pictures with you of in the past. So I really must close for now and will be posting more very soon. Please leave a comment so I will know I have not been forgotten.

Have a great day!


Thursday, November 27

Giving Thanks

"This Is The Day The Lord Has Made"

Happy Thanksgiving everyone...Today will be spend at my mother's house with my sister and brother's families. Our sweet DD Jessica made it home safe Tuesday night and we just have soooo much to be thankful for.

I do wish everyone a very safe and enjoyable weekend!

Blessings to each of your families,


Friday, November 21

So much to share

This week has really been a busy one and it is'nt over yet. I was a 3rd grade substitute teacher for several days.

I worked at a small general store...this is a very old store not sure how long it has been around at least 100yrs.

Lunch time can be very...very...hectic. Only one person runs the store and therefore runs cash register, flips burgers, and makes deli sandwiches. Thank goodness there are still patient people in this world. Yesterday at lunch time I was probably waiting on at least 15 people at once (all wanting their on special orders).

After tending to the store all day and making another emergency trip to the Urgent Care Center (which I will explain later). I visited my brand new....................great niece.

This is what happened Wednesday...I became a great aunt. This is my nephew Charles and his lovely wife Emily and their adorable daughter Austyn Elaine

My Mom and her very first great grandchild...can you believe my mom is in her mid seventies.

While all this was happening this week I have suffered from a allergic reaction to an antibiotic that contains sulfate...therefore I have made two trips to the urgent care center suffering from itchy itchy inflamed spots all over my body. Thank goodness for long sleeve shirts and high neck blouses. Oh well I suppose life goes own and it doesn't matter how uncomfortable our bodies can be.

This weekend should be a lot of fun...tonight is Tiff's (Twigs) PJ party at the store.
Saturday and Sunday is the official open house.

Now I must get this busy day started...I need to make a cheeseball for this evening.

Have a great weekend everyone.



Monday, November 17

Just Catching Up

Thought I would share some pictures from this past weekend. I have been telling you about going to Tiff (Twigs) store and decorating for her Christmas Open House (Nov. 22 & 23)
The above pic is Tiff fluffing up a Santa

This is one of Tiff's one of a kind Snowman she made....

and another one (they are simply adorable)

This is a four ft. Snowman Tiff made....
Just recieved a call to teach 3rd grade so I have to cut my post short and ready myself.

I'll add more pics later.
Blessings today everyone,

Friday, November 14

Another Very Busy Week

This week has flown by with dr. appointments, teaching a painting class to a local 4H club(18 children total), helping Tiff prepare for her Christmas Open House next weekend from cleaning the store, twiking, painting candy canes, snowmen, etc. (So thankful I have a understanding hubby)
This Saturday will be spent at the store. I am sure everyone is in the same busy...busy...mode. So be safe everyone and enjoy your weekend. As they say "Tis The Season" :0)


Monday, November 10

A Great Weekend!

Had a wonderful weekend at the craft I mentioned before it was a two day sale.
I was able to see a lot of my customers from past years and friends stopped by for a visit.
My Mom came and spend the days with me...we had a great time together.

Just thought I would share some pics of my booth...I really had a lot packed in there.

I really didn't notice a decline in sales this year. Thank Goodness! It seems like the majority of booths around me were jewelry so that helped me. I have several I am really excited to get those.

Here I am...haven't a clue what I was looking at....oh well!
Today will be spent taking the remainder of my prim inventory over to my friend Tiff's store Primitive Blessings and the country crafts will go to a general store close to home. This week I will be helping Tiff get ready for her Christmas Open House....believe me there is a lot to be done before next weekend. Have a great week! I will try to get caught up on everyone's blogs during the evenings.

Wednesday, November 5

Whatcha Working On Wednesday

I have a very busy week ahead of me....this weekend is my two day craft sale...Trims n Whims is held the second Saturday and Sunday of November in Shelbyville, Ky at a local elementary school (Wright). There are last minute projects to be completed, pricing the crafts (always dread this), and loading everything up into the vehicles.

Just thought you might enjoy seeing other projects besides my prim paintings. ( if you are interested in any of the patterns I will be happy to look up the designers)

Really enjoyed painting the Light Houses and dreaming of a wonderful vacation on the beach.

I will be going over to my friend Tiffany's (Twigs) house for Ida ( our Amish friend) Birthday lunch with a couple of other gals. We always have so much fun.
I will be sharing more projects tomorrow.
Have a great day!

Friday, October 31


Happy Halloween to all of you...

Also thought I would share a picture of this Halloween morning's sunrise...
Be safe and have a Happy Halloween!



Thursday, October 30

I've Been Booed And More Giveaways!

I have been booed by Rondell she has such a sweet blog. Thanks Rondell

Angie is celebrating her birthday with a very prim giveaway isn't Frosty adorable.

Two great giveaways celebrating their 100th post Kim over at is having this prim giveaway. Thanks Kim

and Cathy Jean over at with a choice of one of these pin cushion will just have to go over and visit with her to find out what the other choices are. Thanks Cathy Jean
Have a great day everyone...this morning I have errands to run may even stop by the GW. Then I really must clean house it has been neglected with all the painting going on.

Wednesday, October 29

Whatcha Working On Wednesday!

Just thought I would share with you on this Whatcha Working on Wednesday some of my craft projects.
In Monday's post I told you that something came marching into my craftroom over the
weekend... it was these two prim nutcrackers in the picture above.
I had so much fun watching these guys come to life. (the projects are Terrye French designs)

Just thought I would share this prim santa coming to life....

There he is already for my craft sale...hoping to open an etsy shop soon. If anyone is interested in him or the nutcrackers just let me know.
Have a great day everyone!

Monday, October 27

Fall Is In The Air or Is It Winter

Hope everyone had a relaxing and enjoyable weekend. This week is suppose to be the peak of our fall season....thought I would share a few pictures from my front porch.

This Monday morning is very chilly...the high will only be in the 40's. It certainly feels as though winter has arrived rather than fall. I ran a few errands this morning, will pick the remainder of the tomatoes off the vines (the first freeze of the season is forecasted for tonight), and the rest of the day will be spent painting.

I will share Wednesday what came marching into my craftroom over the weekend.

I must also share a giveaway over at the Pickled Pepper Patch Char is celebrating her daughter Amy's 21st birthday that will be on November 1st and is giving away a primitive wooden toaster cover. You will be so blessed by this site.... Char is soooo generous. Thanks Char.

Have a great day!



Saturday, October 25

Giveaways, Giveaways

There are two wonderful bloggers having giveaways the picture above is from Lisa over at is celebrating her 100th post with wonderful giveaway. Just go over and leave her a comment. Thanks Lisa !

Debbie over at is having another great giveaway. This idea is a great way to focus on our many blessings. Just visit Debbie and leave a comment. Thanks Debbie.

Thursday, October 23

If Wendy can come out so can I

Wendy over at decided to come out I got up the courage to do the same. So here I am with my hubby...see we both have chubby cheeks.
Have a great day!

Wednesday, October 22

Whatcha Working On Wednesday

Just two and half weeks til my first craft show of the season. It is a two day sale at a local elementary school "Trims and Whims" I always look forward to this show. My mom and I get to spend the days together and visit with friends. So today I thought I would share some of the projects that are already completed. The picnic basket is a pattern by Char Sethman just came across her blog this week and she has some wonderful tutorials.

The lap desk is a Donna Atkins pattern.

Not sure whose pattern this is but if anyone is interested I can look it up. I found it in one of the craft magazines.

This picnic basket (Terrye French design)and the picture below (John Sliney).

I am so jealous of the creative designers;0 they can come up with such cute designs is beyond me. A special thank you to all of you...where would I be without you.

I have signed up for an esty account but have not gotten up the courage to get it started...not sure if there is a demand for the type of paintings I do. What do you think? Suggestions anyone?

Today will be spent painting....painting....painting will share with you tomorrow what I accomplish.


Tuesday, October 21

More Fall Decorations And A Giveaway

My DH was telling me that when he was a boy they would build this huge corn shock in their front yard...which gave me a great idea although he probably wished he had never told me about it. So guess what! I have a huge corn shock in my front yard. DH went over to my brothers corn field and got a truck load of corn stalks. He built this frame like a teepee and started building.

This is the back of it and it stands approx. 8 ft. tall.

This is the front of it. He built it a round the Charlie Brown Pumpkin. I just love it. Thanks Sweetie!
Also wanted to share an 100th post giveaway that Darlene over at is having so go over and visit with Darlene. Thanks Darlene and congratulations. Have a great day everyone!