Just two and half weeks til my first craft show of the season. It is a two day sale at a local elementary school "Trims and Whims" I always look forward to this show. My mom and I get to spend the days together and visit with friends. So today I thought I would share some of the projects that are already completed. The picnic basket is a pattern by Char Sethman
http://charsethman.blogspot.com/ just came across her blog this week and she has some wonderful tutorials.

The lap desk is a Donna Atkins pattern.

Not sure whose pattern this is but if anyone is interested I can look it up. I found it in one of the craft magazines.

This picnic basket (Terrye French design)and the picture below (John Sliney).

I am so jealous of the creative designers;0 ...how they can come up with such cute designs is beyond me. A special thank you to all of you...where would I be without you.
I have signed up for an esty account but have not gotten up the courage to get it started...not sure if there is a demand for the type of paintings I do. What do you think? Suggestions anyone?
Today will be spent painting....painting....painting will share with you tomorrow what I accomplish.