Thursday, July 31

Show and Tell Thursday

Good Thursday Morning! This morning we are having a much needed gentle rain. I'm praying it continues to fall all day.

Today I thought you might enjoy "Show and Tell Thursday".
My dh built our Bi-level porch several years ago and we have sooo enjoyed it. The primitive stand(if anyone knows the correct name please share with me) and wood bucket I found at a flea market. Our cat Bandit someone blessed us with one morning (if you know what I mean) and has been here ever since. He is looking in the door at our little Boston. The chair is one of the six I have been collecting at yard sales over the past several years. The small Ant. Gold milk can is another yard sale find. The watering can on the step ladder holds flags I bought at the Dollar General. I prim them by taking the flag off the dowel rods, coffee staining them, and attached them to twigs. The wood birdcage I found at the GW for $5 the nest inside was included ...just added a clay bird. The bushel basket holding the mother in law tongue plant was another yard sale find.
I just love collecting watering cans...all are yard sale finds have never given over $5 for any of them. The old chair was a freebie.
My dh built our porch swing out of cedar and made it extra long just in case we might have the time to stretch out you can tell our cat Bobbie Sox uses it the most. The patriotic throw was found at the GW (coffee stained it).
My trash to treasure fern stand was made out of wood shutters someone gave me. Look whose looking out the door my little Boston Sloan.

I hope you enjoyed the tour. My plans for the day is to make BBQ with the leftover roast ( in the crockpot of course) for supper, straighten the house, paint, and of course wash a load of clothes.
Have a Great Day!


the said...

You have one of the most beautiful porches I have seen! It looks so comfortable and inviting, I wish I could get mine to look that way!
Have a wonderful Thursday,

Ribbonwood Cottage said...

I LOVE your porch, I wish I could come over with some coffee and visit you! You have done a great job putting it all together. Those shutters with the fern looks soooo great. I'm going to save those pictures in my word file so I can go back and look at them! I wish there was a magazine that just had pictures in it of porches like yours. You really should send your pictures in to a magazine! They are sooo good!
Have a great day!
Blessings, Debbie @

Something Nice and Pretty said...

I absolutely love your porch and all your flea market finds, those wateringcans are to die for:)
Everything is great! Have a great day!

Picket said...

Loved the porch tour with all you great finds!!! Just makes you feel so at home and welcomed!

simple~needs said...

i love everything on your porch!! i would call it a hutch. sounds good to me anyways........
p.s. i love the scoop in previous post too!!!

Katy said...

OH! I love all your stuff on your porch!!! I want to raid your porch! LOL Thank you for your kind comment on my blog today! I really appreciate it!

Gettysburg Homestead said...

What a great porch!!!! I love the quilt. I never find anything good like that. You have some great displays. Thanks for letting me visit.


Dawn said...

Kathy, thanks for the sweet comments. I love your site. You have a darling place, and such a great artist. i have always wanted to take lessons, but I kind of think you have to have a lilttle natural ability. Im not sure I have that. I need to finish supper and Im coming back to gawk at your other post. thanks for visiting! Dawn

Tausha said...

i love the ideas! I have some extra shutters hanging around in a closet. Now, I know what to do with them.
I love the old watering cans. Cute how you grouped them together.
Thanks so much for stoppping by. I love to make friends with crafty fun people!! Have a fantastic day! You will have to share some of your recipes.

carolyn@simple~primitive~devotion said...

What a wonderful, relaxing porch you have! And I love your prim hutch too! Very nice! Thank you for sharing your pics. I love to see other homes! Your furbabies are adorable too!

Anonymous said...

Hello, thank you for stopping by my blog :O) I will for sure be back to yours! I love porches, am working on chipping and repainting the outside of mine and rearranging the inside, my husband and FIL screened it in a few years ago and it's an added room in the summer and fall months-such a blessing!
Shayne Louree

Black Sheep Lisa said...

I love your porch and all your prim goodies! I have been after my husband for years to put a roof over our porch!

Farmhouse Blessings said...

Oh my goodness, what a treasure hunter you are! I was thinking what fun we would have thrifting and yard saleing together ... and then I thought wait a minute ... we like all the same things, we might end up wrestling in the dirt for them! LOL

Your porch is gorgeous! You've done such a nice job primming it it up with the lovely finds.

And I'm just teasing about the wrestling. I just know we would share!
