Wednesday Evening was girl's night out and our Amish friend Ida was the hostess. It was such a peaceful and enjoyable evening. (the picture is of the road I live on not the Amish)
I felt as though I had stepped back in time. August and Ida's home is part of the barn you step out of her back door and there is a breeze way separating the stables from the house. It was sooo cool... reminded me of Little House On The Praire.
Oh what a wonderful cook ....she served meatloaf, homemade noodles (resembled angel hair spaghetti), green beans and potatoes seasoned with a wonderful seasoning " Tiger Seasoning", (I added that to my grocery list...anxious to try that myself) homemade rolls, jelly made from some type of berry and red beet juice, Turtle Cake, and cookies with icing on top. Since my sugar level have been high I only took a teeny bite of each. Everything was WONDERFUL. Just think about the time that went into preparing that meal...remember no electricity and running water...I would have been sooo tired.... company would have been the last thing on my mind.
After supper one of my dreams came true...when I visited Lancaster PA...and saw all the Amish in their buggies...it just fascinated me and I had just wondered what that would be like. Well, after the meal Ida hooked up the horse and buggy and we went for a ride.The cars that past us where probably wondering if our car broke down and Ida was giving us a ride (lol).
Ida had the horse even gallop...oh you just had to have been there to really know how much fun we had. Ida had an extra bonnet and Mandy and I took turns wearing it. We just laughed and laughed. After my friend Tiff had her turn we headed back to the house.
The house was lite with kerosene lamps...in the kitchen some of Ida's siblings were playing their harmonica's and yodeling...Oh Girls! there are just no words to describe how much I enjoyed just listening to them.
The younger children were sooo well behaved...you wouldn't know they were in the room.
Ida has 15 brothers and sisters...five of which are married and ten are still at home. They are such a special family. Oh...wish there were pictures to share but camera's are not allowed.
Next week we are going to harvest sweet annie at Ida's....that is ...when it drys off after the much needed rain we are suppose to get.
Have a great weekend!