Wednesday, September 24

Whatcha Working On Wednesday

I can't believe it has been a week since my last post... where has time gone. Since school has started and my DD has left...I just can't get into a routine. Is this part of being an empty nester? If so I don't like it!

This morning I had errands to run and the rest the afternoon I spent cleaning and organizing my craft room and taking inventory of projects that are ready for upcoming craft sales.

Thought I would share an old wooden ironing board redo (Donna Atkins design)

a closer look...

This was a fun project to paint...In the upcoming weeks I will be sharing some of my other projects with you.
DH and I plan on going for a ride this evening...maybe I will take the camera along.
Have a great evening!

Wednesday, September 17

Whatcha Working On Wednesday

I just can't believe it is Wednesday already...please don't forget me girls...for I am sooo far behind on my blogging. My days have been filled with substitute teaching and it seems I just cannot find the time to blog and get other things accomplished.
The above picture is Sweet Annie that I planted in the spring.

This year will be my first attempt at drying Sweet Annie and Black-eyed Susan.

Sorry to make this post so short .... my "to do" list is growing.
Have a great evening!

Friday, September 12

An Evening Spent With Our Amish Friends

Wednesday Evening was girl's night out and our Amish friend Ida was the hostess. It was such a peaceful and enjoyable evening. (the picture is of the road I live on not the Amish)

I felt as though I had stepped back in time. August and Ida's home is part of the barn you step out of her back door and there is a breeze way separating the stables from the house. It was sooo cool... reminded me of Little House On The Praire.

Oh what a wonderful cook ....she served meatloaf, homemade noodles (resembled angel hair spaghetti), green beans and potatoes seasoned with a wonderful seasoning " Tiger Seasoning", (I added that to my grocery list...anxious to try that myself) homemade rolls, jelly made from some type of berry and red beet juice, Turtle Cake, and cookies with icing on top. Since my sugar level have been high I only took a teeny bite of each. Everything was WONDERFUL. Just think about the time that went into preparing that meal...remember no electricity and running water...I would have been sooo tired.... company would have been the last thing on my mind.

After supper one of my dreams came true...when I visited Lancaster PA...and saw all the Amish in their just fascinated me and I had just wondered what that would be like. Well, after the meal Ida hooked up the horse and buggy and we went for a ride.The cars that past us where probably wondering if our car broke down and Ida was giving us a ride (lol).

Ida had the horse even gallop...oh you just had to have been there to really know how much fun we had. Ida had an extra bonnet and Mandy and I took turns wearing it. We just laughed and laughed. After my friend Tiff had her turn we headed back to the house.

The house was lite with kerosene the kitchen some of Ida's siblings were playing their harmonica's and yodeling...Oh Girls! there are just no words to describe how much I enjoyed just listening to them.

The younger children were sooo well wouldn't know they were in the room.
Ida has 15 brothers and sisters...five of which are married and ten are still at home. They are such a special family. Oh...wish there were pictures to share but camera's are not allowed.

Next week we are going to harvest sweet annie at Ida's....that is ...when it drys off after the much needed rain we are suppose to get.

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, September 10

Whatcha Working On Wednesday

Where do I begin....

I started decorating for Fall this past weekend. Although I did not get much accomplished because I was feeling really tired. Monday my Mom and I went to her pre-op consultation and we made several stops while out. Suddenly I began having a pain that went from my lower back around to the I had Mom stop at the urgent care center just to have things check out.

Needless to say I ended up in the ER because I was dehydrated and my sugar level was very high. The muscle craps was caused by my dehydration. I had been having leg cramps 4 or 5 times a night for the last week. I feel better as far as the muscle craps are concern but still very tired.

Today went for a follow-up with my primary care physican he gave me some med. and I will go back in a month.

Tonight is a girl's evening out and we will be going to Ida's (my Amish friend) house for supper...I am sooo excited...this should be a lot of fun and I will share with you tomorrow.

Have a great day!


Tuesday, September 9

Another Fall Giveaway!

Colleen over at And Baby Makes Five is having a wonderful Fall Giveaway. Colleen painted the whimsical witch plaque and distressed the birch box and arranged the fall flowers in it....and she has added some more goodies. Thanks Colleen!
Go on over and register....

Monday, September 8

Lisa's Birthday Celebration

Good Monday Morning! Just wanted to share with you...that Lisa is celebrating her birthday with a giveaway.

I hope you have a Happy Birthday! Lisa

Friday, September 5

Yellow Tomato Preserves

This is a recipe past down through my DH family...about 15 years ago when Tony's Aunt Elizabeth shared this recipe I really was not sure if it would be worth the time. To my surprise it is very delish.

Yellow Tomato Preserves

3 cups of yellow tomatoes (chopped)
4 cups of sugar
2 tablespoons of lemon juice

Mix the 3 ingredients together in a heavy saucepan.
Cook over medium heat....bring to a boil and cook approx. 35-45 min. This is always the hardest part for me...sometimes it needs to cook a little longer.To check if it is the right consistency spoon 2 tablespoons into a saucer and place in freezer...continue doing so until it looks right for you.

Pour into jars.... your finished .... no processing time.
It taste good on biscuits and toast. If anyone has made this before...please share if there are other ways to incorporate it in other recipes.

Have A Great Day!

Thursday, September 4

KY Deaf Festival

As many of you know my daughter is majoring in an Interpretive Training Program for the Deaf.

When Jessica was 13 she attended church camp and a Deaf Mission just so happened to be there that week and this opened her eyes to a whole new world...becoming an interpreter has become her passion in life.

On Friday night our DD came home from college. Saturday afternoon my mom, DD and I attended the Kentucky Deaf Festival in Louisville. It was really an eye opening experience for me...I realize how my cousin felt all those years at family gatherings when we were all talking to fast for him to keep up with us. Walking into the convention center and the silent communication going on around me was so amazing.

In the picture above Jessica (standing in a pink shirt) is communicating with a professor (the lady sitting and wearing glasses)she had for the past 2 years.

Jessica seemed to be in her comfort zone while there...she saw many of her past classmates, professors, people she has met at Deaf events, and we also saw my cousin (he looked so happy to be among those friends he had not seen for some time). Jessica told me she now feels as though she has been accepted into the Deaf Community so many of the people she has met in the past came up and hugged her. To my takes time to be welcomed and trusted.

This was a preformance of Around the World in 80 Days...including audience participation.

I found it very interesting to watch and the picture below allowed those of us not deaf to know what is being said.

Just thought I would share what an interesting day this truly was.

This morning I just completed a batch of Yellow Tomato Preserves.

This afternoon my mom and I are to meet my sister and niece at Starbuck's. We have a lot of things to catch up on.

Have a great day!



Wednesday, September 3

Primitive Excellence Award

Three great bloggers awarded me the "Primitive Excellence Award"




Thank you for visiting with me and for the award.

The rules are for the award

1. The winner can put the logo on her blog

2. Link the person you received your award from

3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs

4. Put links of those blogs on yours

5. Leave a message on the blogs of those you've nominated

So sorry but the Blogger is not wanting to cooperate today....seems to be double spacing I am

going to nominate those wonderful bloggers in my favorites. You are all so deserving.

Have a great day!
